Is a native payment application to publish entry instantly after being paid on PayPal. The plugin utilize the PayPal IPN message service to publish the entry from the backend. As entries are being published & approved instantly, it saves time and efforts to publish them manually from backend by administrator.
DownloadFull Features List
- Allow you to configure Sandbox mode for test transaction
- Allow you to configure Basic Email setting From Name and From Email
- Allow sending email based on the entry fields as well Joomla registration
- Allow sending email to Guest
- Allow you to configure sending email to multiple Admin
- Allow you to configure PayPal item title
- Allow you to configure Payment Email, which sent after entry submission, email subject and its content can be changed from backend template
- Allow you to configure Payment Confirmation Email, which is sent after receiving the payment from Paypal. From Backend you can change email subject and email template
- Allow you to configure Successful Transaction (Thank you page) page
- Allow you to configure Pending Transaction page
- Allow you to configure Failed Transaction page
- Allow you to configure Cancel Transaction page
- Fully Compatible with Sobipro Notification App - Notification emails are also sent when entry is published and approved.
- Compatible with sobipro 1.1 versions
This is not joomla plugin hence cannot be installed from joomla installer. You need to install this from Sobipro application manager. You can install sobipro plugin from administration panel by going to Components->Sobipro->Application manager. After installing the pluging you need to enable this for each sobipro section